Propelling Progress.


We're a team of hardcore engineers who live and breathe aerospace.

At Astro Mechanica, we're re-inventing aircraft from the ground up – innovating on engine, airframe, and systems that industry hasn't since the 1970s. We're a team of generalists who each have subject matter expertise and operate in a flat organizational structure. We move fast and build world-changing technology in a pragmatic and competent workplace culture.

If this sounds like how you operate, check out our job openings.

Our Core Values

Disruptive Progress. We are the catalysts of change and propellors of progression.

Obsessive Thoughtfulness. We settle for nothing less than perfection when it comes to the specifics.

Hyper Focus. Our approach is concentrated, and dedicated to our craft.

Accelerating Access. Toward space and across the planet, we revolutionize connection to faraway places.

Open Positions

Astro Mechanica is an equal opportunity employer offering competitive salaries, comprehensive health benefits and equity packages.

Job Positions

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